Vitamin D

Benefits & Uses

Vitamin D also known as Cholecalciferol is a fat soluble nutrient whose main role is to control the calcium and phosphate balance in the body. Since it is found in very few foods and mainly obtained by sunlight, some people have an increased risk of deficiency.

Those who avoid oily fish and dairy products or those who spend a lot of time indoors (such as the elderly), or cover up when they are outdoors, are most likely to be low or become deficient in Vitamin D.

Florence Vitamin D Products

Vitamin D facts

Vitamin D Fast facts

Where does Vitamin D come from? Vitamin D is derived from UV light exposure on the skin, so it is easily obtainable in the summer months. It may be harder at other times of the year as it is only found in small amounts in foods.
Darker skins require more sun exposure than people with pale skin to obtain the same amount of Vitamin D. This is because of the increased colour pigment melanin found in darker skin which blocks out UV rays.
What is the difference between D2 and D3? D2 is a form of Vitamin D which is not as well utilised by the body as Vitamin D3. It is therefore better to choose a product which contains Vitamin D3.
Vitamin D was first discovered around 1910, when it was found to cure the bone disease Rickets which was commonly seen in children during that time period.
Iron has been considered for a long time as the most common nutritional deficiency in the UK. However, Vitamin D is not far behind and what’s more as Vitamin D is needed for the absorption of calcium, it is no surprise that calcium deficiency is on the rise too.
Vitamin D is not technically a vitamin (vital amine) because it doesn’t need to be consumed from the diet but can be synthesised on the skin from sunlight. It is most accurately called a steroid hormone.

Questions & Answers

Vitamin D contributes to the maintenance of normal bones and teeth and normal muscle function. It contributes to the normal function of the immune system and has a role in the process of cell division.
Please consult your doctor or pharmacist for personalized medical advice. Always seek the advice of a doctor or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions regarding a medical condition.
It is perfectly safe to take Vitamin D supplements all year round. However, if you get outdoors for most days in the summer months, you may not need to supplement. Vitamin D can be stored for about 6 weeks or so in the body, so by the Autumn you should think about supplementing.
There are many different symptoms, depending on the severity of the deficiency. Symptoms include depression, fatigue, increased susceptibility to infections, bone pain and muscle weakness.
Vitamin D3 is the best form of Vitamin D, since it is the form that the body can easily use. You are best to take 400IU for everyday use, 1000IU if you believe you are low in Vitamin D (or rarely go out in sunlight) and 4000IU if you have been told that you are deficient.

Yes it is recommended that children take Vitamin D, since insufficient levels increases their risk of the bone disease Rickets. They should only take Vitamin D products that state they can be used by children as most of them on the market are for adults only.

The best source of Vitamin D is UV light from the sun. Next you can obtain the nutrient from oily fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines), eggs and UV-treated mushrooms. You can also find Vitamin D in fortified foods such as breakfast cereals, margarine and some bread.

About Florence

Florence health and beauty ltd is one of the UK’s largest leading suppliers and manufacturers of vitamins, minerals and dietary food supplements. Based in England.


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