Folic Acid

An essential for pregnant women
Folic acid is the active form of folate, which is found in cruciferous vegetables, peas, lentils and oranges. It was first discovered by Lucy Wills, a haemotologist who in the 1930’s identified that there was a corrective substance in yeast extract which prevented a type of anaemia in poorly-nourished pregnant women.
It is still considered the most important nutrient to maintain a healthy foetus and the UK government recommends that pregnant women supplement with folic acid for the first trimester.
As well as helping pregnant women, Folic acid may be beneficial to the elderly, as the nutrient helps to maintain normal homocysteine levels. It is also good for immune and blood health and reduces tiredness and fatigue.

Florence Folic Acid Products

Folic Acid facts

Vitamin D Fast facts

Folic acid for pregnancy
Folic acid is recommended for pregnant women for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy to prevent Neural Tube Defects (NTDs).
Pregnancy Supplement
Folic acid contributes to maternal tissue growth during pregnancy.
Taking folic benefits Folic acid helps in the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.
How does folic acid help the elderly? Folic acid contributes to normal blood formation.
Folic Acid Folic acid contributes to the normal function of the immune system.
Why is folic acid essential? Folic acid contributes to normal amino acid synthesis.

What are the benefits of
Folic Acid in pregnancy?

Folic acid is the perfect supplement to take for women who are trying to get pregnant. Take at least a month before trying to get pregnant to ensure that you have adequate levels which are essential for your growing baby.

Questions & Answers

Folic acid can be used during pregnancy to contribute to maternal tissue growth. It can help the synthesis of amino acids into protein, which is required for the growth and repair of the body, as well as reduce tiredness and fatigue, making it useful for those who do a lot of sport and fitness.

Folic acid is a B vitamin which is required to make red blood cells which carry oxygen around the body. This can help to reduce the feeling of tiredness and fatigue. It can help to maintain homocysteine levels, which is important since the chemical is linked to causing degenerative diseases.

Folic acid is safe for children to take. However, they should only take supplements which say that they are suitable for children.

Folic acid aids maternal tissue growth during pregnancy and can help to prevent neural tube defects. Folic acid contributes to normal amino acid synthesis, blood formation and homocysteine metabolism. It also is required for psychological function, immune health and helps to reduce tiredness and fatigue.

Folic acid can be safely used on a long-term basis, when no more than 400mcg is used daily.

About Florence

Florence health and beauty ltd is one of the UK’s largest leading suppliers and manufacturers of vitamins, minerals and dietary food supplements. Based in England.


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